Security Operations Management System
ElEV is committed to protecting the Village's employees, properties,
information, reputation, and assets from potential threats based on its
scope of "organizing and managing endurance horse races". This policy is
guided by the Village's basic core values, code of conduct, business ethics,
and supply chain security standards. EIEV is committed to:
- 1) Avoid, prevent, and reduce the likelihood and consequences of
disruptive or undesirable events.
- 2) Comply with applicable laws, regulations, international and national
human rights recognized commitments (e.g., Voluntary principles on
security and human rights).
- 3) Respect human rights.
- 4) Continual improvement of the SOMS.
These objectives will be achieved through the following framework:
- Improve the awareness of all employees and contractors to take
responsibility sustaining the integrity of SOMS.
- Analyze threats and evaluate risks on a regular basis.
- Integrate security procedures and guidance documents with business
- Develop and test preparedness response plans to deal with assessed risks
rapidly and effectively.
- Regularly inspect, validate, and verify security measures and procedures
by security audit to maintain high security standards for operations.
- Control the level of professionalism, knowledge, and integrity of staff
involved in security.
- Establish and implement appropriate training plans, customer screening,
recruitment, contracting, and termination procedures.
- Report, record, and follow up all incidents, including security breaches
and irregularities to improve the overall security standard.
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continuing suitability.
ElEV will communicate it to all stakeholders.
Quality Policy
The Emirates International Endurance Village pledges to provide services for
organizing and managing endurance races with high quality and in line with
the organizational context and strategic direction of the village, keeping
pace with the latest global management systems in the field of work,
introducing and using modern technologies, and improving the level of
performance of the village and its employees, as well as achieving all the
requirements of the concerned authorities in order to achieve excellence in
all the services and activities you carry out.
The village has established, implemented, and maintained the ISO 9001:2015
quality management system and adhered to the following:
- Continuous improvement of all village operations and activities.
- Compliance with all legislative and regulatory requirements related to
the scope of the village’s work and other requirements of all concerned
parties, including the International Equestrian Federation and the Abu
Dhabi Sports Council.
- Setting quality goals and reviewing them continuously for the purpose of
continuous improvement.
To achieve these commitments, the village applies methodologies and
frameworks as follows:
- Investing in applying the highest modern technologies in the village’s
work areas.
- Raising the professional and cultural level of workers through advanced
training plans.
- Applying advanced methodologies in the field of inspection, auditing,
and monitoring the quality management system and excellence in service
- Applying best practices and standards in the field of racing management.
- Nurturing innovation and creativity in the field of village work.
The village has provided the quality policy to all concerned parties and will
review it on an ongoing basis to ensure its suitability.
Business Continuity Policy
The Emirates International Endurance Village is committed to all concerned
parties to ensure the effective availability of vital services in the field
of organizing and managing endurance races and the continuity of its work
during emergencies and crises that may lead to the interruption of these
services. Therefore, the village created, implemented, maintained and
developed a business continuity management system to support its
institutional capabilities and provide the necessary resources to reduce the
chances of disruption of important and basic operations and develop the
ability to restore them and fully recover from emergencies, crises and
disasters in an acceptable manner and develop strong and flexible plans for
business continuity.
The Emirates Global Capacity Village is committed to the following:
- Implementing laws, legislation and all other requirements applicable in
its field of work.
- Compliance with contractual requirements including ethical obligations
and expectations for clients.
- Compliance with the requirements of ISO 22301:2019 business continuity
standards and NCEMA 7001:2021 National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster
Management Authority standards.
- Continuous development of the business continuity management system.
- Providing the general framework for setting and achieving business
continuity goals by achieving sufficient flexibility to provide basic
services within the scope of the business continuity system and reducing
the time required to restore them and fully recover from emergency and
crisis situations in accordance with the village’s obligations towards
all parties concerned with its business continuity.
We make the documented policy available to all employees and stakeholders in
an appropriate manner, and we will review it periodically to ensure its
continued suitability or in the event of any change that requires its
Occupational safety and health management system policy
The Emirates International Endurance Village pledges to organize and manage
endurance races and provide distinguished services to competitors and riders
to meet and exceed the expectations and needs of those concerned, by
complying with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health
Management System efficiently and effectively in accordance with the
international standard ISO 45001:2018 and the requirements of the Abu Dhabi
Center for Public Health [OSHAD]. It also commits to the following:
- Providing a safe work environment and preventing occupational accidents,
injuries, and health problems.
- Professionalism in all work sites.
- Supporting the safety, health, and well-being of workers.
- Identifying and managing health and safety risks and their impacts and
taking advantage of opportunities.
- Compatibility with all other legislative and legal requirements related
to management system activities.
- Consultation and participation of employees and their representatives.
- Establishing, monitoring, and reviewing the goals and objectives of the
system periodically.
- Providing the necessary resources for the occupational safety and health
- Continuous development of the management system to achieve the highest
levels of performance efficiently and effectively.
The village achieves its obligations through a framework based on the
- Developing core competencies and human cadres capable of achieving
levels of expected performance.
- Using the latest technological and supportive administrative systems to
achieve our vision and mission and our strategic goals.
We will ensure that the Occupational Safety and Health Management System
policy is understood and available to all employees and other stakeholders
and will review it periodically to ensure its continued suitability and